Air Conditioning Systems 1

MSYS 3020 - Air Conditioning Systems 1 is an introduction to air-conditioning systems, covering fundamentals, selection and applications of air handling units and air distribution systems of which the design and sizing include selecting terminal units, applying equal friction method to ductwork, applying fan laws to fans, and applying constant air volume (CAV) and variable […]


Lessons from the U.S: Low-income EE Programming

Join us as we kick off a new year of DiscoverEE sessions! Helping us set the context for some of Efficiency Canada’s resolutions are Diana Morales, Research Analyst, and Steve Nadel, Executive Director of ACEEE. Steve and Diana will join us to talk about low-income programming in the U.S., including the Weatherization Assistance Program and […]

Powering the Canadian Electricity Workforce


Join us as we kick off a new year of DiscoverEE sessions! Helping us set the context for some of Efficiency Canada’s resolutions are Diana Morales, Research Analyst, and Steve Nadel, Executive Director of ACEEE. Steve and Diana will join us to talk about low-income programming in the U.S., including the Weatherization Assistance Program and […]

Future Forward: Innovations in Passive House and Beyond

This year’s Annual Conference will consider the evolutions and innovations of Passive House design and construction, both currently and looking towards the future. Additionally, the conference will highlight the numerous evolutions in buildings and standards within a crowded green building market. This conference will also spotlight efforts to bolster the wider building sector across Canada […]


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