Air Conditioning Systems 1

MSYS 3020 - Air Conditioning Systems 1 is an introduction to air-conditioning systems, covering fundamentals, selection and applications of air handling units and air distribution systems of which the design […]


Powering the Canadian Electricity Workforce


Join us as we kick off a new year of DiscoverEE sessions! Helping us set the context for some of Efficiency Canada’s resolutions are Diana Morales, Research Analyst, and Steve […]

Future Forward: Innovations in Passive House and Beyond

This year’s Annual Conference will consider the evolutions and innovations of Passive House design and construction, both currently and looking towards the future. Additionally, the conference will highlight the numerous […]


Passive House Pulse Toronto

Diamond Schmitt Architects 384 Adelaide St W Suite 100, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Passive House focuses on thoughtful design, attention to detail, and early-stage energy modeling. But even the best-designed project is only as good as its execution, and certification is fully based on […]

Building Our Way to Net Zero


Targets have been laid out for the construction industry – get new buildings to Net Zero by the early 2030’s. Not long afterwards, we’ll do the same to existing buildings […]

Building Operators Training


To introduce custodians, maintenance personnel, and building operators from the affordable housing sector to energy efficiency, new technologies and facility retrofits, FCM partnered with the Saskatchewan Environmental Society and the […]

Becoming a Building Science Consultant

The world of energy efficiency is dynamic and varied. There are more than 436 000 Canadians working in energy efficiency – from HVAC to window installers, policy analysis to programming, […]


Becoming an Energy Efficiency Officer

The world of energy efficiency is dynamic and varied. There are more than 436 000 Canadians working in energy efficiency - from HVAC to window installers, policy analysis to programming, […]


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