Air Conditioning Systems 1
MSYS 3020 - Air Conditioning Systems 1 is an introduction to air-conditioning systems, covering fundamentals, selection and applications of air handling units and air distribution systems of which the design […]
MSYS 3020 - Air Conditioning Systems 1 is an introduction to air-conditioning systems, covering fundamentals, selection and applications of air handling units and air distribution systems of which the design […]
To introduce custodians, maintenance personnel, and building operators from the affordable housing sector to energy efficiency, new technologies and facility retrofits, FCM partnered with the Saskatchewan Environmental Society and the […]
An energy auditor evaluates and analyzes how energy is being used in a commercial or institutional facility, identifies energy conservation opportunities, and makes recommendations on where consumption can be reduced […]
Designed for those who have completed the Introduction to RETScreen® course or have some previous experience with the software, the Certified RETScreen® Expert (CRE) program is designed to help participants develop their skills in […]
At its core, a well-run building automation system (BAS) reduces energy consumption and allows for more efficient building system operations. This should, in turn, allow building management to increase the […]
For a limited time, CIET is offering its suite of Residential Energy Advisor (REA) courses at significant discounts thanks to a contribution agreement with Natural Resources Canada (NRCan). CIET can […]
Every house needs to breathe, hence builders have to allow a certain amount of infiltration or even better provide a mechanical ventilation system that brings in fresh air. However, as […]
As a process, existing building commissioning (EBCx) is often referred to as taking what you already have and making it better! Interest in existing building commissioning projects has been growing […]
The world of energy efficiency is dynamic and varied. There are more than 436 000 Canadians working in energy efficiency – from HVAC to window installers, policy analysis to programming, […]
Meet working environmental professionals, people who work for organizations (government, non-profit and for-profit) in the sector, and learn more about opportunities and how to find them. Find out what their organizations […]
BSCI 9250 - Advanced Energy Simulation elective course is presented as lectures and assignments, with a term project to be conducted in parallel with lectures. It will benefit students who […]
The Chair in Energy Sector Management at HEC Montréal and CPCS are carrying out, in collaboration with the Government of Québec a technoeconomic study comparing Class 8 technologies to decarbonize […]